Category Archives: Shop Signs Sheffield

The Times are Changing… But are they?

Us Brits were on the move 50 years ago! We had built multiple new-fangled motorway infrastructures, many of us were in the financial position to buy cars, the price of cars had lowered and cars were therefore greatly more affordable to the masses. Britain was moving forward…but were we? We were on the move quicker and more frequently than we had ever been prior to this but it wasn’t long before there was an obvious problem. Road signs. They were either incomprehensible or roads were lacking them. This was drawn to the ministry’s attention at the 1931 Geneva Convention and a talk ensued, headed, “Concerning the Unification of Road Signals”. During so, it was made prevalent that visual aids were to be the key to new British road signs and as close to no words as was possible. This was not due to Britains illiteracy rates but instead was due to dim lighting, bad weather conditions and high speed all preventing signs and signals from being read properly and warnings being missed.   Ministry members actually took note, as it was evident that the safety of the country was at risk. They asked for the assistance of Hyde Park graphic designer, Jock Kinneir, to help keep the country safe whilst driving. Along with his talented, young pupil, Margaret Calvert, the design of new signs were born, which quickly got the go ahead from the ministry. In 1965 a leaflet was posted through every door in the country, titled “The New Traffic Signals” beginning the modernity turning point for British signage. Kinneir and Calvert designed signs have barely altered since 1965 – 50 years later, their names live on. The times may be changing but apparently our road signs are timeless!

Half a Century is Definitely a Good Sign!

The 19th – 27th September is the London Design Festival 2015. This marks the unity of design and creative geniuses from the length and breadth of Britain, presenting them with an opportunity to showcase their unique and innovative designs. The range is extensive – from specific items from our built environment, functional daily necessities and decorative luxury items. It has never been known to be on such a large scale, but this year this free entry event is hosting around 400 events. One of the most highly anticipated exhibitions this year is hidden in the Design Museum and is that of the 50 years of British road signs Exhibition, designed by Calvert and Kinneir. This exhibition is also free and shows curated archived materials by Made North, celebrating the installation of both original and new British signage.

Image Sign Studio

Image Sign Studio are professional makers of signs Sheffield, and are pleased to show their support of the 50 Years of British Road Signs Exhibition, freely available for you to see now. Signage Sheffield, Image Sign Studio, established 11 years ago by dynamic duo, Richard and Dean. Having previously worked together in the signage industry, this pair bring everything you could possibly need out of a signage industry supplier. Together, they unite all aspects you could possibly need and create everything individually to each customer, on-site. This skilful team enable Image Sign Studio to offer a multi-faceted array of services to their customers, with specialisms including:

  • Large retail signage
  • Commercial signage
  • School and Hospital signage
  • 3D Signs
  • LED Signs
  • CNC Routering

How To Contact Image Sign Studio

Do you need advice or assistance regarding manufacturing or installation of your new shop sign Sheffield? If the answer is yes, call Richard and Dean at Image Sign Studio on 0114 261 7617 or alternatively, you can email them at

The Times are Changing…But are they?

Us Brits were on the move 50 years ago! We had built multiple new-fangled motorway infrastructures, many of us were in the financial position to buy cars, the price of cars had lowered and cars were therefore greatly more affordable to the masses. Britain was moving forward…but were we? We were on the move quicker and more frequently than we had ever been prior to this but it wasn’t long before there was an obvious problem. Road signs. They were either incomprehensible or roads were lacking them. This was drawn to the ministry’s attention at the 1931 Geneva Convention and a talk ensued, headed, “Concerning the Unification of Road Signals”. During so, it was made prevalent that visual aids were to be the key to new British road signs and as close to no words as was possible. This was not due to Britains illiteracy rates but instead was due to dim lighting, bad weather conditions and high speed all preventing signs and signals from being read properly and warnings being missed.   Ministry members actually took note, as it was evident that the safety of the country was at risk. They asked for the assistance of Hyde Park graphic designer, Jock Kinneir, to help keep the country safe whilst driving. Along with his talented, young pupil, Margaret Calvert, the design of new signs were born, which quickly got the go ahead from the ministry. In 1965 a leaflet was posted through every door in the country, titled “The New Traffic Signals” beginning the modernity turning point for British signage. Kinneir and Calvert designed signs have barely altered since 1965 – 50 years later, their names live on. The times may be changing but apparently our road signs are timeless!

Half a Century is Definitely a Good Sign!

The 19th – 27th September is the London Design Festival 2015. This marks the unity of design and creative geniuses from the length and breadth of Britain, presenting them with an opportunity to showcase their unique and innovative designs. The range is extensive – from specific items from our built environment, functional daily necessities and decorative luxury items. It has never been known to be on such a large scale, but this year this free entry event is hosting around 400 events. One of the most highly anticipated exhibitions this year is hidden in the Design Museum and is that of the 50 years of British road signs Exhibition, designed by Calvert and Kinneir. This exhibition is also free and shows curated archived materials by Made North, celebrating the installation of both original and new British signage.

Image Sign Studio

Image Sign Studio are professional makers of signs Sheffield, and are pleased to show their support of the 50 Years of British Road Signs Exhibition, freely available for you to see now. Signage Sheffield, Image Sign Studio, established 11 years ago by dynamic duo, Richard and Dean. Having previously worked together in the signage industry, this pair bring everything you could possibly need out of a signage industry supplier. Together, they unite all aspects you could possibly need and create everything individually to each customer, on-site. This skilful team enable Image Sign Studio to offer a multi-faceted array of services to their customers, with specialisms including:

  • Large retail signage
  • Commercial signage
  • School and Hospital signage
  • 3D Signs
  • LED Signs
  • CNC Routering

How To Contact Image Sign Studio

Do you need advice or assistance regarding manufacturing or installation of your new shop sign Sheffield? If the answer is yes, call Richard and Dean at Image Sign Studio on 0114 261 7617 or alternatively, you can email them at

Face-Lit Illuminated 3D Shop Sign Sheffield

Our Sheffield shop sign makers have manufactured and installed signs for several of the branches of Béres sandwich shops throughout Sheffield, and have recently installed shop signage Sheffield for the Crookes and Woodseats branches, with Chapeltown in the pipeline. Béres have revamped their shop frontages recently, and asked us to help them with their shop signs. There are now 9 Béres Pork Shops scattered around the city, with shops located in Hillsborough, Firth Park, Woodseats, Crookes and Chapeltown.

3D Illuminated Shop Signs Sheffield

Béres Pork Shop’s shop signs were manufactured to be face lit. LED face illumination is created when the lights are placed on a tray inside the 3D letter, meaning that only the face of the lettering is illuminated. The signs themselves are 3D illuminated shop signs, made from 3D stainless steel letters which have been expertly powder coated white to consistently match the branding of the business. The 3D stainless steel letters are also face lit, and feature an opal Perspex face which the light shines through in order to illuminate it. The letters are mounted on aluminium sign trays.

Béres Pork Shops in Sheffield

Béres Pork Shops were founded in 1961, after the Hungarian butcher Sandor Béres left Budapest during the 1956 uprising against the communists. As a political refugee in Britain, his aim was to establish a chain of shops and build a successful business. Sandor and his wife Eileen opened their first shop in 1961, predominantly as butchers specialising in pork and beef. After seeing an excellent opportunity in the making and selling of freshly made pork sandwiches, the couple quickly built a good reputation. Béres Pork Shops are very much a family affair, with the couple’s children Richard, Helen and Catherine joining the business. They now have 9 shops all over Sheffield and have become a household name in the city.

Retail Shop Signs Sheffield

Sheffield shop sign makers Image Sign Studio are experts in the design, manufacture and installation of shop signs. We can produce 3D illuminated shop signs for a variety of businesses, ensuring that your business will stand out from the crowd and project a professional image. 3D letters can be manufactured from stainless steel, aluminium or Perspex, and can be illuminated using LED lighting to give them the extra wow factor.

Shop Sign Makers in Sheffield Report on the Fight to Save Devonshire Street

Campaigners have been trying to save the shops on Devonshire Street from being bulldozed, and have now raised £15,000 in order to launch a legal battle. There have been more than 20,000 objections to the controversial plans, also previously reported by experts in shop signs Sheffield Image Sign Studio. Sheffield Council plan to knock down the shops on Devonshire Street and replace them with shops, restaurants and flat.

Save Devonshire Street

The head of Save Devonshire Street Nick Roscoe said “The community has shown it is totally behind us and I think if there is any chance of holding the council to account then we have got to take it.” There has also been an organised protest outside Sheffield Town Hall, in which hundreds of people attended to protest against the scheme to convert the shops into flats and restaurants. Campaigners were out in force to make it known that they disagreed with the plans, saying that the shops on Devonshire Street are part of the city’s heritage.

According to Sheffield Council, they have been put in a difficult position regarding Devonshire Street and expressed clearly that their hands have been tied by government requirements. Sheffield City Councillor, Leigh Bramall, said: “Although technically we make the decision on planning applications, our hands are tied by the stringent planning laws set out by the government. If we did not follow these laws we would be putting the Council under a big risk of being taken to an appeal by the developer, to be heard by the National Planning Inspectorate, which would mean that the Council would be overruled and the development go ahead, but with the Council facing huge legal bills. What we need to see is the Council being given the powers to make the decisions to shape the future of our high streets, so we can make the decisions locally, listening to the views of local people rather than having to follow arbitrary rules made up by bureaucrats in Whitehall.”

Raising Money for Legal Costs

The campaigners have been trying to raise the money needed for the legal costs for a judicial review to overturn the decision to knock the shops down. The money will cover the costs in case permission for a review of the case is refused, and has been raised through a variety of fundraising events and activities including an art auction, gigs, and online crowdfunding from those who support the campaigners.

Professional Shop Sign Makers Sheffield

When the review application has been submitted, a judge could decide the campaigners have a case based on the paperwork, or it could go to the High Court for a hearing in August. As professional makers of shop signs Sheffield, Image Sign Studio are very aware of the support for this eclectic group of shops and think it’s a shame not only that they may be destroyed, but sad that so many people are upset by the proceedings.

Castle Market Sheffield Demolition to be Complete by November 2015

Castle market has now been replaced with the new Moor Market, which cost a huge £18 million to build, but the old market is still being knocked down and is due to be completed by November.

Castle Market in the city centre of Sheffield is currently in the process of being demolished, with the most complex part of the demolition set to start in the next few days. The old Sheffield shop sign that read ‘The Markets’ has recently been removed, and the building contractor Kier are now set to deconstruct the tower block from the top down.

Demolition Site Safe and Secure

A spokesman from Sheffield Council said: “Demolition works remain on programme to be completed in November 2015. Things are going well with no major issues so far and the site remains safe and secure.” The spokesman also added that the council have made sure that the accessible parts of the castle ruins are well protected and regularly monitored during the demolition works to ensure they are not damaged. “The progress of the physical demolition works on site is fairly obvious now given that you can see right through from one side to the other from both Waingate and Exchange Street.”

Castle Market took its name from Sheffield Castle, as the market was built on its remains. The market closed in 2013 when the Moor Market opened on the Moor, at the other end of the city centre. The market opened in 1965, and was a well-loved place by many, meaning that a huge number of people were really disappointed when plans to demolish the site were announced.

Reduced Footfall in The Moor Market

But the new Moor Market hasn’t gone down quite as well as Sheffield City Council had hoped unfortunately. According to recent figures, half a million fewer people visited the Moor Market in its first year compared to the last year that Castle Market was open. The Council are now reducing the market traders’ rent by half until March 2017 due to the poor trading conditions.

The council, however, are more optimistic about the future of the Moor Market and are offering 4 weeks of free rent to new traders. There are also plenty of events scheduled at the market this summer including puppet shows, table tennis, reading sessions and mini golf.

Shop Signs Sheffield

As makers of shop signs Sheffield, it’s really sad to see this iconic sign being removed. It’s unfortunate that the Moor Market hasn’t really lived up to many people’s ideas of what the council promised, but as the area develops, we really hope footfall increases for the new site.

National Blood Week Campaign Encourages Shop Signs and Street Signs to Drop Letters

According to recent statistics released by the NHS, 120,000 fewer people started donating blood in 2014/15 compared to 2004/5. The NHS says it needs 204,000 new volunteers this year to ensure the blood supplies continue to remain at the same level in the future. The assistant director for donor services Jon Latham said: “We simply can’t ignore the fact that there has been a stark reduction in the number of new donors coming forward – a trend seen across the world. While we can meet the needs of patients now, it’s important we strengthen the donor base for the future.”

National Blood Week

So, a fascinating campaign to raise awareness of National Blood Week has swept across the UK, causing letters to disappear from street signs and shop signs across the country. It’s all part of a campaign launched by Give Blood NHS which has been designed to encourage people to donate. Shop signs, street signs and landmarks are removing the letters A, O and B from their signs in order to symbolise the donors’ blood groups that are needed to maintain the much needed supplies in Britain.

Maintaining a Safe Supply of Blood for the Future

National Blood Week runs from 8 – 14 June, and the campaign hopes to build awareness of the shortage and encourage the public to donate blood. They’ve called the campaign #MissingType, and even the Prime Minister’s official residence has become D wning Street. As makers of shop signs Sheffield, we think it’s a great idea to show support for such a worthy cause in a way that will be seen by huge numbers of people and help to raise awareness.

The head of PR at Give Blood NHS, Andrea Ttofa told Buzzfeed News: “There’s a decline year-on-year of the number of new people donating, and more than half of current donors are over 45. It’s important to take action now in order to maintain a safe supply of blood for the future,” she continued. “We’re hoping many more individuals and companies will get behind it to drive thousands of people to be new donors.”

Shop Signs Sheffield

Although we’ve not noticed any shop signs Sheffield having their letters removed, it’s certainly an interesting campaign that is bound to get the attention of the general public, especially with large companies such as Odeon, Green and Blacks, and Waterstones on board.

For more information about our shop sign making services, call us on 0114 261 7617 to get in touch and chat to a member of our friendly team.

Benefits of Window Graphics and Your Sheffield Shop Sign

There are many benefits to window graphics. They are a very cost effective way of decorating the front of your shop. Unlike a shop sign Sheffield, the level of installation is minimal, and digital printing means that the possibilities are almost endless.

Because you’re not breaking the bank with a window graphic, if you change your mind or fancy a different look in a few months, you need not worry. They can be changed relatively easily, and can give you a degree of flexibility should you decide to promote a particular offer or service for a particular period of time. As experienced sign makers in Sheffield, Image Sign Studio can offer you expert advice on how to achieve a great window manifestation, and catch more passing trade by doing so.

Enhance Your Brand

Window graphics are a great way of complimenting your existing shop sign Sheffield, and adding another dimension to the exterior of your shop and the way that your brand is perceived. Here at Image Sign Studio, we can use a range of different materials including vinyl lettering and full colour pictures to make your window graphic.

We also have one way vision material which allows you to see out of the shop front, but people cannot see in; therefore passersby only see the graphic on the window. There’s a massive colour choice available for the vinyl too, and we are able to print any specific artwork onto it. There’s also the option of vinyl window graphics with a frosted effect so something a little different.

Custom Window Graphics

Here at Image Sign Studio, we spend our days designing, manufacturing and installing a wide range of shop signs Sheffield. Something that is becoming ever more popular in the world of signage Sheffield is the use of window graphics.

If you’re anything like us, you’ll love having a good look in the shop windows as you pass, so no doubt will give window graphics with the same attention as you would a shop window display. More and more people are catching on to the fact that their shop windows are a brilliant place to advertise their products and services, and there are plenty of ways to do it. Sometimes simple lettering is all that’s needed, but many people go for graphics that really make an impression.

Window Graphics and Shop Sign Makers in Sheffield

For more information about the design and manufacture of window graphics for your business, or to find out about a shop sign Sheffield, contact Image Sign Studio on 0114 261 7617 to speak to a member of our friendly team.

Benefits of Window Graphics and Your Sheffield Shop Sign

There are many benefits to window graphics. They are a very cost effective way of decorating the front of your shop. Unlike a shop sign Sheffield, the level of installation is minimal, and digital printing means that the possibilities are almost endless.

Because you’re not breaking the bank with a window graphic, if you change your mind or fancy a different look in a few months, you need not worry. They can be changed relatively easily, and can give you a degree of flexibility should you decide to promote a particular offer or service for a particular period of time. As experienced sign makers in Sheffield, Image Sign Studio can offer you expert advice on how to achieve a great window manifestation, and catch more passing trade by doing so.

Enhance Your Brand

Window graphics are a great way of complimenting your existing shop sign Sheffield, and adding another dimension to the exterior of your shop and the way that your brand is perceived. Here at Image Sign Studio, we can use a range of different materials including vinyl lettering and full colour pictures to make your window graphic.

We also have one way vision material which allows you to see out of the shop front, but people cannot see in; therefore passersby only see the graphic on the window. There’s a massive colour choice available for the vinyl too, and we are able to print any specific artwork onto it. There’s also the option of vinyl window graphics with a frosted effect so something a little different.

Custom Window Graphics

Here at Image Sign Studio, we spend our days designing, manufacturing and installing a wide range of shop signs Sheffield. Something that is becoming ever more popular in the world of signage Sheffield is the use of window graphics.

If you’re anything like us, you’ll love having a good look in the shop windows as you pass, so no doubt will give window graphics with the same attention as you would a shop window display. More and more people are catching on to the fact that their shop windows are a brilliant place to advertise their products and services, and there are plenty of ways to do it. Sometimes simple lettering is all that’s needed, but many people go for graphics that really make an impression.

Window Graphics and Shop Sign Makers in Sheffield

For more information about the design and manufacture of window graphics for your business, or to find out about a shop sign Sheffield, contact Image Sign Studio on 0114 261 7617 to speak to a member of our friendly team.

A New Shop Sign Sheffield Can Enhance Your Retail Premises in One of These 4 Ways

There are many great reasons to have a new shop sign for your business. As professional shop sign makers in Sheffield, Image Sign Studio has put together a list of the top 4 reasons to enhance your retail premises with a new shop sign Sheffield.

Uphold your Brand

Your shop sign is a direct reflection of the brand message that you are trying to convey. A professional looking well made shop sign will effectively convey the promise of your brand, and the high standards of your business. On the other hand, an old sign with a worn appearance and faded images or lettering will send out a negative message to your customers and potential customers. A poor sign will give the impression that your products and services are also poor, but a great sign will give the impression that your products and services are great too.

Attract Customers

Shop signs for physical premises are effective because they act as a guidepost to guide your customers to your shop. A good shop sign will be eye-catching and have the ability to draw in new customers, whether on foot or driving by. Passersby will be immediately drawn to your premises, and if they like what they see, they will be more likely to browse and buy.

Increase Your Sales!

A professional looking and well designed shop sign Sheffield can effectively increase your sales by attracting more customers and increasing your potential audience. They can also educate your target audience about the goods and services you have to offer, encouraging them to buy.

Competition Between Retailers

There is often a great deal of competition between retailers in heavily populated urban areas, making it really important to ensure that your retail premises keeps up with the competition. If you’re surrounded by well presented, professional looking shops, you need to make sure that you have a chance of standing out from the crowd with a great shop sign.

Sheffield Shop Sign Makers

Image Sign Studio have the skills and experience to design and manufacture a wide variety of shop signs in Sheffield, from illuminated shop signs to 3D shop signs. They offer a range of business and commercial signage solutions to businesses all over the city, and can help you too. Call them on 0114 261 7617 to get in touch and chat to a member of their friendly team.

Devonshire Street Shop Signs Sheffield Demolition to go Ahead

As experts in the design and manufacture of shop signs Sheffield, Image Sign Studio have been keeping a close eye on the developments of the Devonshire Street story, and are sad to announce that the Sheffield Star have reported that despite nearly 20,000 objections, the shops will be knocked down.

Planning Application Petition

Coda Planning, agent for the developers Primesite Ltd insist that the development would ‘rejuvenate’ a block falling into ‘disrepair’ and improve the area. According to Sheffield Council, the online petition was the largest ever connected to a planning application since the Council began keeping logs, and raised a huge 18,337 signatures. Unfortunately, planners say that according to the law, only views based on ‘material planning considerations’ can be given weight, meaning that the buildings will be destroyed and replaced regardless of the signatures received in opposition.

Shops Replaced with Residential Flats and Shops

According to the newspaper, the specialist shops on Devonshire Street will be replaced with flats and other shops, which has caused massive public outcry in opposition to the plans. Objectors to the demolition say that the impact on the area means that the street will become ‘like every single high street in the country’ and that it would be ‘utter madness to demolish one of the truly individual parts of Sheffield.’

Retail Frontages to Remain

A report to the planning committee says “Though occupiers of the existing retail units perfectly reflect the city’s aspirations for the Devonshire Quarter and undeniably have a part to play in creating an attractive, viable and varied city centre, the planning system does not exist to protect the private interests of one person against the activities of another. Provided a retail frontage is retained, the loss of the specific businesses is not a planning matter.”

Signage Sheffield

As professional makers of shop signage Sheffield, Image Sign Studio thinks it’s a great shame that this vibrant and eclectic area of the city will be replaced with flats and other shops. The director of Coda Planning has assured Sheffield residents that the building’s design will respect the street’s character and allow occupancy to continue. For help and advice on the manufacture and installation of your new shop sign Sheffield, get in touch with Image Sign Studio on 0114 261 7617 or email them at

Regeneration Project Begins to Transform Spital Hill’s Shop Signs Sheffield

Image Sign Studio are delighted to be involved in the regeneration project in Spital Hill, where they will be manufacturing and installing over 70 shop signs over the course of the next six months. They’ll be talking to businesses individually to find out what they want from their new shop sign Sheffield, and then making and installing signs for a variety of different businesses in the area. From illuminated shop signs to projecting outdoor business signs, their aim is to get the area looking smart and welcoming for what will hopefully be a new wave of shoppers coming into the area.

Refurbishment Project for Shop Frontages

They have recently been involved in the regeneration of 47 independent shops signs in Darnall, a suburb in the east of Sheffield. As it was a £300,000 refurbishment project they really had their work cut out for them, as many of the shop fronts were in a poor state of repair, which was having a knock on effect on the area as a whole.

The regeneration of certain areas of Sheffield comes after a citywide strategy approved by Sheffield City Council that aims to support and promote local shopping centres. Because Darnall shopping centre was identified as having an unwelcoming environment, with a high number of badly-maintained, empty shops, money given to Sheffield Council by the Local Growth Fund was allocated to improve the area.

Shop Front Scheme for Spital Hill

Spital Hill is the next area of Sheffield to receive money from the Local Growth Fund to help to smarten up the area. There are several shops, restaurants and takeaways in the area that have run down shop signs Sheffield. Sheffield council’s spokesman for neighbourhoods Councillor Harry Harpham said “Spital Hill could be a thriving and successful district shopping centre. It has a strong community, a good range of shops and community facilities, and access to transport links – but it needs a helping hand to reach its full potential.”

The scheme aims to smarten up the frontages of the businesses to improve the overall look of the area. The idea is for the scheme to start the improvements off with the shop signs and frontages, and then encourage the local residents and businesses to get involved and invest in the community themselves.

Increase Retail Sales with These Top Tips from Shop Signs Sheffield

The purpose of any business is to bring in customers, and there are several ways in which you can accomplish this. As expert shop sign makers in Sheffield, we have come up with 5 top tips that will improve your retail sales, providing your business with a boost as well as bringing in the cash! Making a success of a retail shop comes down to one thing; sales.

Makeover your Shop Sign Sheffield

Competition for footfall on the high streets is fierce. Your aim to make sure your premises stands out from your competitors, looks visually appealing, welcoming, and encourages customers to enter. You could consider a beautiful window display, custom made window graphics or even a brand new shop sign Sheffield.

Effective Management

As a retail shop owner, the chances are you will have a lot of responsibilities to take care of, including staff. Developing your management skills is key to keeping employees happy, giving them the opportunity for growth, and ensuring that they will work hard to make your business successful.

Branding for Businesses

The branding of your business is really important, and plays an important and fundamental role in your marketing efforts and materials. Your customers and potential customers create form a perception of your business from a variety of things including; your name, the appearance of your web site, the location of your store, your shop sign Sheffield, products, prices, visual merchandising, displays, business cards, newsletters, and advertising material.

Pricing Products Properly

For your business to succeed, it’s incredibly important to price your products properly. Getting it right will mean that you can enhance how much you sell, therefore creating the foundation for a business that will prosper.

Be Careful with Cashflow

Cash flow is really important to your business, regardless of how fantastic your products are or how great your customer service is. Money is the vital component that keeps your retail shop financially healthy, so budgeting wisely, and keeping track of your monthly income and expenses are a must.

Shop Sign Makers in Sheffield

If you need some help with attracting customers to your retail premises, Image Sign Studio shop signs Sheffield can help. They can design, manufacture and install fantastic shop signs that are sure to make you stand out on the high street. Contact them on 0114 261 7617 for more information.

Shop Signs Sheffield and New Leisure Hub Plans

The former ski village was once the largest artificial ski resort in Europe and attracted over 180,000 visitors a year to its slopes. Sheffield Ski Village then suffered due to significant competition from other slopes that offered real snow in Castleford and Milton Keynes. There had been several attempts to attract new visitors by updating the facilities, but developments planned were put on hold due to lack of funds, until a massive fire in 2012 left it in ruins.

Shop Sign Makers in Sheffield

As professional shop sign makers in Sheffield, Image Sign Studio were interested to see what the fate of the former ski village would be after a deliberate fire reduced the site to ashes in April 2012. But according to local newspaper The Sheffield Star, Sheffield Council is working on a plan to turn the site into a leisure hub. At 150 hectares in total, the land includes Parkwood Springs from Rutland Road in the south to Herries Road in the north. The scheme is set to build on existing facilities at the site, including a 2km mountain bike track that was originally developed by Steve Peat, the World Mountain Bike champion.

City Life and Outdoor Recreation

The area has suffered greatly since, and is now a prime target for more acts of arson, as well as fly tipping and vandalism. A Sheffield Council spokesman said: “The plan is still very much in the embryonic stages and we will be putting it out to consultation but we want to use the area as a site for leisure. We have a number of suggestions on the table but we are very much open to ideas. It has the potential to be a major attraction that adds to Sheffield’s unique image – offering both city life and outdoor recreation.”

Bars, Restaurants and Shop Signs Sheffield

According to recent news, the new facility could also include shops, restaurants and other food and drink outlets. Image Sign Studio thinks that the site of the old ski village definitely needs a revamp. It’s a real shame that it has been left in a state of disrepair for such a long time and it would be great for the city to take on the opportunity for plenty of new facilities, shops and restaurants. As manufacturers and installers of shop signs Sheffield, they think it would bring visitors flocking to the city, which would be great for everyone!

New City Centre Retail Quarter Planned for Sheffield

The latest news from the Sheffield Star reports that a group of Sheffield business people have announced £500 million plans to develop a new city centre retail quarter. Sheffield Retail Development Group says that they have the expertise, financial backing and the passion to ‘transform’ the city centre with a 650,000sq ft development on a five-acre site by the end of 2018. This ambitious date is a year ahead of Sheffield City Council’s plans, and is set to include a range of shops, offices, cinema, restaurant and bars.

The Future of Sheffield City Centre

The future of Sheffield’s city centre has looked uncertain in recent years as new ideas are thrown around and existing plans are scrapped. In a previous post on our Sheffield shop signs blog, we discussed how plans for the Sevenstone shopping centre were frozen last year, only to find out that Sheffield Council are fighting to buy the designated area back from the previous developers in order to restart plans, possibly as early as next year.

As shop sign makers in Sheffield, we were understandably delighted by the news of a new shopping centre in the heart of the city. Residents of Sheffield will know that the city centre has suffered in the period since the recession, with shops closing down and significantly less people visiting it, therefore new plans were encouraging for the future of the area.

Spokesman John Crowther, who is an ex-chief executive of Vickers Defence Systems, chairman of the Amateur Swimming Association and non-executive director of Sheffield City Trust, said:  “We have identified half-a-billion pounds of funding. We want Sheffield people to know there’s a local bid that’s oven-ready to go.”

Mr Crowther has also commented that as the plans are a market-led solution, the council will not have to take the risk of diverting money away from other areas, especially at a time of spending cuts.  “This is a world class team of Sheffield people who care about Sheffield and can deliver a scheme that will transform the city centre,” he said.

Shop Sign Makers in Sheffield

Whether the city centre is rejuvenated by the private sector, or with help from the council, shop sign makers Sheffield Image Sign Studio are excited about the plans. They have a passion for helping businesses succeed starting with great signage, and are experts in the manufacture and design of shop signs Sheffield. For more information, call them on 0114 261 7617 and speak to a member of their team.

Sheffield Independent Vintage Shops and Emporiums Threatened by New Development Plans

The recent news about the possible demolition of a number of shops on Devonshire Street comes as a blow to this vibrant independent retail quarter of Sheffield, and there are many that oppose the plans. As professional shop sign makers in Sheffield, we like to keep our eye on what is going on in the various retail areas of the city.

Devonshire Street is a popular area of the city centre with an eclectic mix of independent retail shops and quirky boutiques selling everything from vintage jewellery and clothes to second hand books and records.

Planning Application Submitted to Sheffield Council

Developers have recently submitted a planning application to Sheffield Council to demolish the string of independent retail shops on Devonshire Street and replace them with flats, restaurants and cafes. The application seeks to replace 162 to 170 Devonshire Street, which would result in the closure of the Natural Bed Company, Rare and Racy, the Rag Parade Vintage Store and Syd and Mallory.

“I’ve had a lot of constituents get in touch with me and they are really concerned,” said Sheffield Central MP Paul Blomfield who visited the shop owners to discuss the plans from Sheffield business Primesite Ltd. “I share that concern, because I think shops like this on Devonshire Street really make the character of the city centre, it’s not just about the big chains. We want small, independents that give life to the city. I’m really worried that, not only the development but the change in the uses for these units so restaurants and bars can move in will fundamentally weaken the city centre.”

Petition Opposing Demolition with 18,000 Signatures

Sheffield poet Jonathan Butcher, who stocks his books at the independent book store Rare and Racy, set up the petition. He said: “Those signatures on that petition just show how much people value this area of Sheffield. Students choose to come to Sheffield for the underground music scene and the independent vintage shops and emporiums. People are going to forget what Sheffield is all about it if developers keep building complexes. It’s becoming more and more corporate.” The petition against the demolition has now been handed in to city planners, which has over 18,000 signatures.

Shop Signs Sheffield

Image Sign Studio are experts in the design and installation of shop signs Sheffield. If you need some help with attracting customers to your retail premises, they can help. Contact them on 0114 261 7617 for more information.

Vintage Inspired Sheffield Shop Sign for Bakery

As professional shop sign makers in Sheffield, Image Sign Studio were asked to provide a shop sign for Poppies Bakery to reflect the image that Natalie was trying to project of an informal, vintage inspired eatery. They used an aluminium backboard with a wood print effect to achieve the look of wood, giving it a natural, rustic look. They then mounted aluminium standoff letters in pink italic letters using studs onto the backboard, adding a funky, feminine twist.

Vinyl Window Graphics for Shop Front

In addition to the shop sign Sheffield, They also provided vinyl window graphics for the front window of Poppies Bakery, featuring butterflies and a picket fence effect to give a quaint, outdoorsy feel to the window. The colour co-ordinated bunting and shabby chic tables and chairs that can be seen from outside finish the look perfectly.

Poppies Bakery is the newest addition to the busy Banner Cross area of Ecclesall Road in Sheffield, offering a range of savoury dishes and freshly baked cakes and tarts. Ecclesall Road is a great mix of eclectic boutiques, independent shops and cafes, restaurants and eateries, so the new bakery will be the perfect addition to this popular street.

Sheffield born Natalie Hall, aged 24, received support for the venture by Leeds Beckett University, which awarded her the Vice Chancellor’s Enterprise Scholarship worth £3,000. The bakery is a take away and a sit-in eatery with a vintage feel and a modern twist.

Owner Natalie told the Sheffield Star “I could not be more thrilled to be opening my very own bakehouse in Sheffield, my home city. It has been a long-standing dream of mine to open a food-based business and thanks to this University scholarship and support it has assisted me in the process of making this happen.”

Retail Shop Sign Makers in Sheffield

Image Sign Studio get lots of requests for signs in all different sizes, shapes, colours and materials. Whether you’re looking for a modern shop sign for your retail shop in Sheffield, or you’d like to create a rustic vintage feel, their expert Sheffield sign makers can help. For more information about having a retail shop sign designed, manufactured and installed for your business, contact Image Sign Studio on 0114 261 7617 to speak to a member of their friendly team.

Top 5 Tips for Boosting Your Retail Shop Sales at Christmas from Professional Shop Sign Makers in Sheffield

For retailers all over the UK, Christmas is the most important time of the year for sales. People are already hitting the high streets, shopping centres and online shops to snap up gifts for their families and friends.

As specialists in shop signs Sheffield, Image Sign Studio has put together a few steps that you can take to ensure that you make the most of this profitable season!

Promote a Christmas Sale

Christmas is a great time to promote a sale. It’s an expensive time of year for many, so everyone is on the look-out for a bargain. Not only can a good sale help to increase revenue and profit, you’ll also attract customers that may return to your premises in the New Year.

Marketing over the Festive Season

Ensuring that your marketing activity is sufficient over the festive season is a real must. From planning scheduled Tweets, to Facebook posts and competitions, social media is a fantastic way to get in front of potential customers, interact with them, and drive sales. Why not send out a Christmas newsletter letting your customer base know what you’ve got to offer this Christmas, or an incentive to visit your shop such as a voucher or free gift with any purchase?

Create an Attractive Display

Getting creative with displays can help your shop to thrive at Christmas time. Make your goods look as attractive as possible to your customers; think red and gold, fairy lights and snowflakes to create a winter wonderland effect. Make sure that your most popular items are prominent, and always place smaller items that are suitable for stocking fillers near the till. This will encourage people to make impulse buys and last minute purchases before they pay.

Ensure you Have Enough Staff for the Busy Period

During this exceptionally busy time, you may want to think about whether you’ll need an extra pair of hands. Employees will often want to take some time off over the festive season, so ensuring that you’re covered for this is a must. It may be worth approaching a local temping agent to find short term staff, as although you can’t predict the rush, you’re sure to be busier over this time.

Shop Premises Makeover

Competition for footfall on the high streets is at its most fierce over Christmas. Your aim to make sure your premises stands out from your competitors, looks visually appealing, welcoming, and encourages customers to enter. You could consider a beautiful window display, custom made window graphics or even a brand new shop sign.

The Regeneration of Darnall Shopping Centre with New Shop Signs Sheffield

Regeneration initiatives are set to continue all over the city of Sheffield in the coming years, including projects in Banner Cross, Hillsborough, Sheffield Antiques Quarter, Spittle Hill and Stocksbridge.

Image Sign Studio shop sign makers in Sheffield have recently been involved in an absolutely fantastic project helping to revamp the rundown shop fronts of 47 independent shops in Darnall, a suburb in the East of the city of Sheffield. The project started at the end of March this year, in an attempt to smarten up the area, boost the amount of shoppers using the stores, and attract investment.

Regeneration of Retail Premises and Shop Signs Sheffield

The £300,000 refurbishment project, which saw the shops on Main Road and Staniforth Road receiving impressive makeovers, includes new retail shop signs which have been designed, manufactured and installed by Image Sign Studio. As shop sign makers in Sheffield, they know the dramatic effect a new shop sign can have on the exterior of a retail premises, and were more than happy to be involved in the Darnall revamp.

Two years ago, a citywide strategy was approved by Sheffield City Council to help support and promote local shopping centres.  This project is being paid for by the Local Growth Fund, which comprises of money given to Sheffield Council to be used for projects that benefit the local area and the community.  Darnall shopping centre was identified as having an unwelcoming environment, with some buildings in a poor state of repair and a high number of badly-maintained, empty shops.

Boost to Darnall Shopping Centre with New Shop Signs Sheffield

As professional shop sign makers in Sheffield, Image Sign Studio have already been asked to design, manufacture and produce the retail shop signs for the Spittle Hill regeneration project, which of course we are delighted to be involved in!

Councellor Harry Harpham, Sheffield Council cabinet member for homes and neighbourhoods, said “Darnall has all the ingredients to be a thriving and successful district shopping centre – a strong community, good range of shops and community facilities, and access to transport links. But the quality of the shopping is poor in relation to a centre that serves such a wide residential area and many shops are in a poor state of repair. This will help the area become more attractive to shoppers and boost the centre’s potential.”

Sheffield Shop Sign Makers Manufacture Retail Signage for Help for Heroes

Image Sign Studio was pleased to be able to be involved in this project for Help for Heroes as it is a great cause. Help for Heroes is a tri-service military charity which provides support to full time, reservist Servicemen and women and veterans from the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force. They support veterans and serving personnel who have been wounded, injured or become sick as a result of serving their country, and offer support to their families and dependants as they care for their loved ones.

Illuminated Retail Shop Sign for Help for Heroes

As professional sign makers in Sheffield, Image Sign Studio is lucky enough to be manufacturing and installing a number of illuminated retail shop signs for the charity Help for Heroes. They originally carried out the manufacture and installation of the Help for Heroes shop sign in the shopping centre Meadowhall last year, and they are now manufacturing and installing signs for the shops all over the UK including Birmingham, Peterborough, Essex, Wimbledon and Bromley.

To manufacture the shop signs for this charity, Image Sign Studio used Dibond, which is an aluminium composite material consisting of a polyethylene core and aluminium cover sheet. Dibond is a lightweight yet rigid material, and there are many advantages to using it in sign making. The aluminium alloy is corrosion resistant, making it an excellent choice for shop signs that are likely to be exposed to the elements.

Dibond is also great for printing on too, lending itself especially to digital printing, which is a popular choice for many shop signs Sheffield. Although Dibond is extremely lightweight, it is also very rigid and achieves a perfect flatness. Just what you need for a shop sign!

To manufacture the Help for Heroes signs, a box was made out of folded aluminium composite called Dibond, and stainless steel hollow 3D letters were produced to create the words ‘Help for Heroes’. These letters were then backlit by fitting them with white LED lights to create a halo effect and attached to the Dibond backboard using studs.

Sign Makers Sheffield Specialising in Illuminated Retail Shop Signs

Illuminated shop signs can have a dramatic overall effect on the look of any retail shop. Modern LED lights are cheap to run, low maintenance and long lasting, making them perfect for use on shop signage and business signage. For more information about having an illuminated shop sign designed, manufactured and installed for your business, contact Image Sign Studio on 0114 261 7617 to speak to a member of their team.

Attract Customers over the Festive Season with a New Shop Sign Sheffield

The latest research regarding the UK’s retail spending suggests that people are spending more money in shops than they were earlier this year. Online business Website City AM recently reported that although fewer shoppers visited shopping centres and high streets this summer, retail spending was actually at its highest since January.

The Director of the British Retail Consortium (BRC) Helen Dickinson said that although footfall had decreased, the amount of money that was spent by shoppers per trip had actually increased. The data went on to reveal that although footfall has decreased on high streets and shopping centres, it increased by 2.9% in out-of-town retail parks during August 2014.

“It seems that customers are hitting the high streets with purpose – knowing what they want to buy ahead of time, supported by online research ­– and doing more shopping in a single trip,” Helen Dickinson said.

The Rise of Online Shopping

Online shopping has been a hot topic of conversation for a number of years now as footfall on British high streets has made a gradual, but significant, decrease. But according to Mintel’s Christmas 2014 predictions, although online sales are again set to increase, a whopping 87% of all retail sales will be made in shops in December 2014.

Professional Sign Makers Sheffield

As expert sign makers in Sheffield, Image Sign Studio are well aware of the increasing popularity of online shopping, but they firmly believe that there is plenty of scope for retail shops to claim their fair share of the market. There’s nothing like going into a shop and physically holding a product, then to come home with the item in your shopping bag on that very day. For all the convenience of online shopping, there’s only so much you can find out about the item from looking at it on a screen and reading reviews.

Boost Sales over Christmas with a New Shop Sign Sheffield

So now is the time to ensure that you make the most of attracting the shoppers into your retail store. Online shopping may be as popular as ever, but the research suggests that there is still an enormous amount of people stepping out on the high street, shopping centres and retail parks.

If you are looking for a shop sign Sheffield that will increase your visibility on the high street over the festive season, Image Sign Studio can help. The staff at their Sheffield sign shop will offer you all the helpful advice and direction you need to ensure that your business makes a great first impression. Call them 0114 261 7617 for more information.