Nickel coatings are often used in the aerospace and aircraft industry because they are an effective corrosion resistant coating at high temperatures.
This means that they are capable of protecting airfoil components from abrasion and erosion by providing a surface coating that will allow high nickel/chromium alloy parts to be joined by brazing or welding, to produce nickel or nickel alloy components for space applications and to repair worn or damaged components.
By repairing parts rather than replacing them, they can continue to be used rather that scrapped.
Nickel and alloys of nickel are often used for space applications.
Electroless nickel coatings are used in the Aerospace industry for space applications:
- Docking
- Cargo bays
- Rudder mechanisms of the NASA Space Shuttle
Nickel electroforming has also been used in the space program. It has been used to produce lightweight precision parts for rocket engines, such as:
- Waveguides
- Antennae
- Bellows
- Heat shields
- Thrust chambers
High precision electroformed nickel bellows are widely used in the aerospace industry, as electroforming is often the only practical and most economical method. These parts are used for:
- Flexible electromagnetic interference shielding
- Metallic hermetic seals
- Volume compensators
- Temperature and pressure sensors
- Flexible couplings
Whether it is electroless nickel plating, diffused nickel plating, or copper plating, the staff at us will ensure that you receive the right service for your industry. To make an inquiry or request more information, please visit our contact page at