Knives, blades and tools used in hobby craft, modelling and art

Knife-Point can provide quality tools for many industries, including trades, crafts, and DIY work. Hobby tools and knives are ideal for carving, precision cutting and craft projects. Our excellent range of trimming knife blades, safety knives, Swann Morton tools, Stanley knife blades, Olfa knives, and wood working tools is second to none and our extensive range of branded knives and blades such as  carpet fitting and floor laying tools, circular saw blades, pro Safety knives and spare blades is outstanding.

Here at Knife-Point, traditional suppliers of knives and blades based in Sheffield, we are certain that even if you cannot find exactly what you are looking for on our website, we will be able provide you with the knife or blade you need whether it be a delfin knife, dolphin knives, don carlos knives or a snap off blade. We specialise in knives and blades used in hobby craft, modelling and art and craft projects, and regularly supply businesses and individuals with craft knives, Stanley knives and wood working tools specifically for projects that require precision cutting and the highest levels of accuracy.

As specialist suppliers of knives and blades, Knife-Point as a company is exceptionally proud of its roots. Based in Sheffield, our large selection of snap off blades, hooked blades, concave blades, and safety knives have the advantage of Sheffield’s long history of quality. The knife making trade may have declined in other areas of the UK, but the staff at Knife-Point are proud to be keeping the Steel City’s tradition alive and well with a great selection of knives and blades, including dolphin knives, delphin knives, don carlos knives, 9mm snap off blade and Stanley knife blades.

We also offer discounts for bulk buying knives and blades, including our excellent range of hand tools, hand knives and safety knives which are perfect for hobbycaft, modelling, and art and craft. Our selection of Olfa safety knives, gr8 pro safety knives, Bosch planer blades and Stanley knives, including Stanley 1992, Stanley 5192 and Stanley 1996 are also available in wholesale job lots, perfect for saving money and buying large quantities of quality knives and blades at a very reasonable price. Our Olfa craft knives, trimming knife blades and scrapers, and woodworking tools are all perfect for hobby craft, modelling and art. We also offer a range of rotary cutters and spare blades, power tools and Swann Morton scalpel blades and Swann Morton scalpel handles.

The traditional knife and blade making process

The traditional knife and blade making process can be broken down into four main steps. The initial shaping of the knife is achieved through the process of forging or blanking. Forging occurs when the blade is exposed to and heated up to a very high temperature. It is then shaped using hammer and anvil to achieve a shape that is very close to the final desired dimensions. Our range of Olfa safety knives, gr8 pro safety knives, Bosch planer blades and Stanley knives, including Stanley 1992, Stanley 5192 and Stanley 1996 are made using a mixture of traditional and modern techniques, ensuring that your Stanley knife, safety knife or planer blade will be of the highest quality and workmanship.

Blade blanks are often made in the production of quality knives and blades including snap off blades, hooked blades, concave blades, and safety knives.  A variety of methods can be used to create these blade blanks, dependant on the material thickness and the alloy content of the steel. Sometimes blade blanks are stamped using sheet material, and sometimes water jet cutters, electron beam cutting or lasers are used. Custom knife makers on a smaller scale may cut their steel blade blanks using a metal cutting bandsaw. A variety of different methods can be used to profile a blank including using belt grinders, files or hacksaws.

If no power equipment is available, this process can be carried out with files, if the steel has not been hardened yet. Grinding wheels, or small belt sanders are used by beginners to make knives and blades. Well equipped and experienced knife and blade makers usually use a large industrial belt grinder, or a belt grinder made specifically for this purpose. Pre-polish grinding on a heat treated blade can be done if the blade is kept cool to keep the temperature of the metal at a consistent level.