Famous Five and the Stanley Knife

5-stanley-knife-knives-knife-pointApparently, every man has a toolkit and apparently in this toolkit there are certain items.  But it seems that there just needs to be the essential five to keep your man fully equipped for sorting out any DIY issues in your home.  What are the famous five I hear you ask?  Well, for under £50 your toolkit can and should have…

5th – A Spirit Level

No one likes a wonky shelf or picture hanging at an odd angle, and a spirit level can fix this so easily, quickly and efficiently.  Hold it so and move it until the bubble is perfectly in the middle of the two markers and then you know that you have created a perfectly straight line.

4th – A Tape Measure

Hand or arm lengths may stay the say but they are not particularly accurate, so if you are not wanting a guestimate and need to be rather specific with your measurements, then purchase a tape measure.  For specific things, such as lengths of furniture, amount of wallpaper and numbers of tiles need, buying a tape measure and making exact measurement can, not only save you time from having to take excess back or buy more but will also mean that you don’t over spend, too. So, be economical and buy a tape measure.

3rd – Screwdrivers

There are hundreds of different options available when it comes down to Screwdrivers, but really all you need to decide is whether or not you want interchangeable tips – A great idea if you are short on space.

2nd – Hammer

Yes, yes, we know, you can hammer a nail in with any old, hard object but it’s going to be a botch job.  Buy a Hammer.  It has two purposes – hammering nails in with one end and pulling nails out with the other end.

1stStanley Knife

Stanley knives are extremely sharp, retractable, multifunctional blades which can cut through almost anything.  Be careful of your fingers and it would be advisable to buy a cutting mat so that you do not ruin your home work surfaces or remove your fingers.

More About Stanley Knives

There are multiple different types of Stanley Knife.  They are extremely popular because they are lightweight, durable, long-lasting and the blades can be replaced as often as you like for a very low price.  They come in different duty sizes, blade sizes and some Stanley Knives, such as the Stanley Interlock Knife have a locking mechanism.  Stanley is one of the worlds most trusted brand names in the knife world and are used by all serious tradesmen.  So, if you are a DIY fanatic or are also a tradesman yourself, then why not order yourself a Stanley Knife – We promise you won’t regret it!

Contact Knife Point
If you are interested in purchasing a Stanley Knife then why not contact Knife Point. Based in Sheffield, Steel City, we have over 30 years of experience enabling us to find the perfect tools for you. Here at Knife-Point, we are devoted to selling high quality products at competitive prices, through excellent service and communication, all within a rapid delivery time.  So give us a call on 07737 133 030, email sales@knife-point.co.uk or click here to be taken directly to our website to find out more about our range of different available knives.