Choosing the right hooked blades and carpet fitting tools for the job you plan to embark on is of the upmost importance. Our knives and blades are made in Sheffield and are of the highest quality, ideal for cutting flooring, textiles or roofing material.
Hooked blades are perfect for cutting roofing shingles before they are affixed to the roof of the building in question. It is important to keep roof shingles from lining up exactly, because without gaps the water may be unable to pass between them and under them. This prevents the roof from leaking and damaging the interior of the house, which could have a large financial impact on the occupants of the house. Most tiles have guide marks on them which will make it far easier to use the hooked blade to cut the roofing shingles accurately.
When cutting the tiles with the hooked blade, it is important to take care to keep in line with the guide marks on the tile. Straying from them may result in an uneven pattern when the shingle is attached to the roof.
Cuts on your roofing shingles must keep to a in a uniform pattern, therefore the correct hooked blade will ensure that the cuts are even. Hooked blades can also be used to cut shingles so that they fit around pipes by cutting a circular cut out to fit the shingle around the pipe.