February’s Famous Four

heart-knife-february-famous-four-knives-knife-pointFebruary is the month of love, so we thought why not share with you the four blades we love the most, here at Knife Point, and the reasons why.  So here goes…

Swann Morton Scalpel Blades

These can be sterile or non sterile but either way, they are made out of carbon steel.  The non sterile blades come in blister packs of 5, packs of 100 and the sterile blades also come in packs of 100 but are individually sealed, hence their sterility!  For use with either, you may also wish to consider purchasing a Swann Morton blade remover unit which are available in packs of two, five or ten and hold up to 100 blades each.  Both of these items are commonly used in the medical or dental industry as they are highly reliable scalpels which make very fine incisions, perfect for detailed surgery or oral work.

Stanley Knife Fat Max

An extra heavy duty straight blade which fit all types of Stanley, Stanley Fat Max, Dolphin, Allegro, Shark and other hand tool types.  We love this blade type due to its versatility.  It’s incredibly sharp so can cut easily through a large variety of materials with the blade lasting a much longer time than an average knife.  This means that there is less down time so it earns you more money, especially as it is snap resistant.  The Stanley Fat Max is a good value knife which is highly valued by all tradesmen and is of course made by the world famous company, Stanley, whose reputation precedes them.

Planer Blades

Planer blades have made our top list because they will fit AEG, Black & Decker, Bosch, Festo, Haffner, Holzher, Kress, Mafell, Metabo and Scheer & Skil planers – what we mean is, you can buy one set of planer blades and they will work with any of these makes of planer!  This saves you money, rather than having to buy lots of different blades for lots of different tools!  They are made out of fine grain tungsten carbide and have an incredibly high quality, shiny finish, which is often described as a ‘mirror’ giving these blades the sharpest and keenest edge around!

Snap-Off Knives

Another innovative design from Stanley, where practicality meets safety!  These knives have blades which are created out of die-cast metal making them incredibly strong yet still light. Stanley have created this knife with a retractable handle so that the blades snap-off if there is an issue so as not to damage the knife or indeed the user!  These knives are easy to use, making DIY open to anyone, with their finger screwing operative locking mechanism and strong wedge type lock which holds the blade securely in its wanted position.  With Snap-Off Knives, it’s definitely safety first!

Contact Knife Point Today
If you are interested in purchasing any of the ‘famous four’, then why not contact Knife Point. Based in Sheffield, Steel City, we have over 30 years of experience enabling us to find the perfect tools for you. Here at Knife-Point, we are devoted to selling high quality products at competitive prices, through excellent service and communication, all within a rapid delivery time.  So give us a call on 07737 133 030, email sales@knife-point.co.uk or click here to be taken directly to our website to find out more about our range of different available knives.